I needed a 20 minute self portrait release. Then, I needed to wash the paint off of the counter and my hands, put the canvas in the garage, and get the darn dog off of the kitchen table. In my short trek from one end of the house to the other, I dislodged 3 pilfered dum-dums from a small screaming child with an abnormally strong grip, transformed the trampolines back into (once nice) down cushioned living room seating, iced down a swollen wrist and a bruised ego, refereed a laundry argument, rescued 4 matchbox cars, 3 flip flops, and a plastic hippo from sheer destruction at the hands of- or should I say jaws of- "Mr. Teeth" (aforementioned table dog) -all without raising my voice. I do believe that must be some kind of a record.
Definitely, YES!