I have recently been compiling a mental list of "Things To Do"
Today was the first day of school for my older 3, and the last day of my "vacation." I had plans. I had massive plans. I would even venture to say my plans were grandiose. Oh yeah. Plans. Today, aside from getting the boys to and from school, I managed to do a few loads of laundry, made an Aldi run (I LOVE ALDI, and even though I wish I were being paid to say that, I'm not), put the groceries away, helped with school stuff, listened to friend present a "vacation business opportunity" to me and my husband, and made some pasta, (not fresh, I didn't have the energy). Though it was a productive day, it was a productive day just like every other productive day I have. Tomorrow will be a productive day, as well, but I will also be adding "went to work" to my got-done-todays. Sigh. So much for grandiose plan filled vacation. If there is ever an experimental medical test for an amazing energy booster, I would really really really like to be informed about it.
- Hang out in the kitchen (MY kitchen, not so much the one at work) a little more. Experiment with food more. Bake more.
- Finish painting the walls in my house that have been so beautifully completed except for the 2 inches between the top of the walls and the ceilings.
- Possibly exercise (this one is just a maybe).
- Create. Doesn"t really matter what. Pictures, little fuzzy creatures out of buttons and old socks, papier mache sculptures, maybe a mobile. Just create.
The list is really quite a bit more lengthy than shown above, but quite a bit more tedious/monotonous/boring, as well. Sadly, I think I have the time to complete all of the crazy little things on my loopy to do list. I just can't seem to find the energy.
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