I have been cooking on the line in a French bistro for three years now. Recently I decided I needed to step up my game and procure the title of Sous Chef. The intention was not necessarily to become Sous of the kitchen I have become so acquainted with. In fact, having the two Sous spots at my current job filled, I actually was thinking the title would have to come from a different restaurant. Last week bittersweet news arose. The amazing Sous/pastry Chef/world-king-awesome-friend-who-has-my-utmost-respect-and-gratitude, whom I have worked with for the past three years. is moving up and out. She unabashedly (and rightfully so) won over some pretty big name restauranteurs/chefs and now has an amazing new job of which she starts at the end of this month.(
http://www.pegasusnews.com/news/2011/sep/12/oak-restaurant-dallas-design-district-hires-ex-man/ ) I have gained so much from this lady that I can't even begin to express my thanks to her. Because of her, not only have I grown in my knowledge of the kitchen and its workings, but I have been given unconditional support and friendship as well. I have yet to actually dwell on the thought that I will no longer be able to spend the mornings acting a fool with and actually enjoying being at work with her. I am so incredibly proud of her, and in no way surprised that this amazing opportunity has found her. (By the way Chef G, we may both be busier than we've ever been in our lives, but don't think just because you're now a fancy smancy restaurant chef that I'm no longer gonna be around. Oh I'll be around. You can't get rid of me that easily. Muhahaha!) So there's some happy and some sad and then there's the uncertain. The uncertain comes from the fact that there is now an unfilled Sous position at my job. I in no way want to step on toes or claim I "deserve" this opportunity, but I want it. I applied online for the position this evening (which seems a little odd) and now I sit and wait. Or stew and wait, as it may be. How awesome it would be to have a couple of days off. And how awesome it would be to be able to be Sous in the kitchen that has been my home for the past few years. I can only hope that the employment powers that be fully recognize my loyalty and determination and perseverance and all the other characteristics I would like to think that I posses that would make me the optimal choice (*wink*).
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