So I think I'm an organization junkie. I have a hard time saying no to the little foldable bins I find at the 99 cent store. I enjoy putting things of like qualities in boxes and bags. I write lists. My closet is color coordinated. I get cranky when I find markers in the snap top box designated to hold crayons. I believe that everything has a place and everything should be in that place (preferably in alphabetical or chronological order). Granted, I do have 5 children, a sometimes absent minded (but brilliant, funny, AND sexy) husband, and 2 jobs, so there are many an evening when the laundry stays unfolded, the board games stay out of their boxes, and the markers stay in the snap top box designated to hold crayons. I would like to think that at some time in the future, I will have a home of Martha Stewartian charm and standard. Ok, maybe not THAT organized, but I'd at least like to have a place for all of the random necessities that have accumulated along my counter tops and dressers. And NO, more "junk drawers" are not options.

I like your blog. EE