At work today I was slightly vexed. Ok, ok, I was
PEEVED. I was off for 3 days in a row, and it was obvious. I am not trying to ring my own bell, or toot my own horn, or play any other musical instruments, but I could definitely tell there was not much love put in by the surrogate food handler. I do what I do because, yes it brings in bill paying means, but because it makes me happy. I was at job #2 this weekend and got to make a succotash. It had vibrant yellow corn and green field peas, beautiful red onions, red bell peppers, poblanos, and smelled of bacon and freshness and love. I was nearly overwhelmed by the huge pot bubbling in front of me. I love to be around food. I love to see the amazing and beautiful things that can be created using different edibles. I love to be a part of that creation. I cannot imagine the mind frame of someone who has
CHOSEN to be in my profession and has no respect for the kitchen that they call home or the food that they are entrusted with. If you have no true passion for the job, you have no place in the kitchen. Just saying.
On a totally different, non-venting note, my boys have been really awesome today. Really. There has been minimal bickering, screaming has been scarce, and for the most part, they are all getting along swimmingly. I explained personification to the fourth grader (in total teacher style- whiteboard and all) and he actually got it. He even thanked me for "telling it" to him in a way he could understand. Apparently, his teacher, whom assured us that she was familiar with Asperger's, does not feel that a fourth grader should have issues with literary devices.
REALLY? One of the symptoms of the syndrome is "
taking figures of speech literally." GROWL. Ok, I am done with the venting for real this time. I promise. As I was saying, the boys are all goodness and light this evening. I still have actual bedtime to endure before saying it was a great night, but maybe I'll bribe them with a snack. I know snack bribery works on me.