Monday, October 10, 2011

If I were thinking clearly, I would have been wise enough to get out of bed, even though it was 6 am and I had fallen asleep roughly 3.5 hours earlier (after a 20 hr work day, no less). If I were thinking clearly, I would have been wise enough to get the VERY AWAKE twins some cereal as per their request. Alas, I was tired. I was not thinking clearly. I unwisely told the pair of three year olds that I would get them something to eat "in a little while" and to go play in their room for a little bit. I REALLY should have known better.

No worries. I found that if the tile is mopped 3 or so times, the floor is noticeably less sticky. And the festive feeling of fall-ness is keeping my spirits up. The boys and I crafted a giant spiderweb out of 100 ft of rope and    

hung it in the tree out front with an accompanying ginormous spider. The return of candy corn to the local grocery stores is pretty darn great, too. Oh, and it looks as though I am actually going to get 2 days off this month. Well, kind of. I will work the a.m. at one job, but took the p.m. off from the other, so we can take the boys to the State Fair. I am stoked. Woo.

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