Thursday, October 13, 2011

I am comfortable in my zone. Hence, the term "comfort zone". My zone, however, has been an amorphous area for quite a while now. Things seem to be in constant motion.  Crazy as it may seem, I am finding myself more at ease in these turbulent waters. As my busy-as-me-but-in-different-ways husband says "There is a light at the end of this tunnel." There will, at some point in the future, be a time when my average night of sleep consists of more than 3 hours. There will be a time when I get to see my husband for more than 30 minutes at a time. There will be a time when my children will be able to look back on now, and know they were loved and provided for. I can only hope that  they recognize that the piano lessons, scouts, church, library trips with dad, cookie baking, craft making, homework completing, family trips to the grocery store, and all the other bits of hoopla are not out of obligation, but out of preference. I may be tired, and occasionally on the grumpster side, but I am not going to stop if there is something else I am capable of doing for my family.


Next topic on my agenda for this evening is actually related to the first. Comfort Zone.  I am in the process of picking up my heavy foot and dragging it over the line.  Yeah, actually stepping out of this zone. I am planning on updating my resume and earnestly seeking a job a little higher on the ladder. And I am scared to death. I know I am awesome at what I do. I know I have the experience (and the degree) to expect better. I know there is nothing that I cannot learn to do, if I do not already know how to do it, but I am still shakin in my boots (or kitchen clogs, as the case may be) at the thought of "moving on". I cannot even begin to express the gratitude I have for the people I have been blessed to work with (some of whom will not hear the end of me, even if we no longer work together). Don't get me wrong, I haven't even applied anywhere else yet, so this is definitely not an immediate change, but I think I have climbed to the summit of my current job. I am ready to start the ascension in another kitchen. Yes. Woo.

Monday, October 10, 2011

If I were thinking clearly, I would have been wise enough to get out of bed, even though it was 6 am and I had fallen asleep roughly 3.5 hours earlier (after a 20 hr work day, no less). If I were thinking clearly, I would have been wise enough to get the VERY AWAKE twins some cereal as per their request. Alas, I was tired. I was not thinking clearly. I unwisely told the pair of three year olds that I would get them something to eat "in a little while" and to go play in their room for a little bit. I REALLY should have known better.

No worries. I found that if the tile is mopped 3 or so times, the floor is noticeably less sticky. And the festive feeling of fall-ness is keeping my spirits up. The boys and I crafted a giant spiderweb out of 100 ft of rope and    

hung it in the tree out front with an accompanying ginormous spider. The return of candy corn to the local grocery stores is pretty darn great, too. Oh, and it looks as though I am actually going to get 2 days off this month. Well, kind of. I will work the a.m. at one job, but took the p.m. off from the other, so we can take the boys to the State Fair. I am stoked. Woo.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I cannot even believe it is already October!! Fall is my favorite season. I love that the weather is cooling down enough to leave the windows open. I love putting up fall wreaths and buying pumpkins. I love that I can spray the "Harvest Spice" air fresheners all over my home and not get funny sideways judging looks from anyone who comes in the house. And there are copious amounts of birthdays to celebrate. Woo. Birthdays. Woo. Hopefully this month I will take a few more days off than I did last month. My days off of work grand total for the month of September...... ONE. Well, 1.5 because I took a half day, but I'm not counting that because I came home, did dishes and laundry, took out the trash, mowed the lawn, and then picked the boys up from school. So grand total stays at 1. Come on October, bring your worst. I'm armed with a fall leaf garland and a pumpkin scented candle.